What is HTML


HTML is a language that allows you to create websites. HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language it is the structure of a website that will allow you to view websites on the internet. Others will be able to view the same websites at the same time as long as they have an internet connection. Web browsers read the HTML files and makes them into a view able web pages for you.

W3C maintains HTML now, they work with their staff and the public to develop web standards. We are currently on version 5 of HTML. The print screen on the left shows the W3C logo. 

Below is a sample of HTML code that I used to create a website page. As you can see in order for the page to be created the information has to be put between the html tags. This is so that it knows where to start and stop and will only show the information between the html tags.

The head tag is where you put the title of your web page in between the title tags. So when you go onto the web page this will be the name of the tab.

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