What is CSS


CSS stands for Cascading Styling Sheet. CSS is a style sheet that is used for the styling and formatting of a HTML page as HTML is the structure of the web page. CSS allows for the separation of the content of the web page from the layout of the web page allowing for better flexibility and making it less complex. There is three different types of CSS there are inline, external and internal. Inline CSS is the formatting of the page that will only change the text that is in line with the same tags. Internal CSS is include in the code it is put between the style tags of the code. External CSS is an external style sheet with its own code, it is then linked into the main sheet.

The advantages of using external CSS is that it allows for consistency through out your website. There is also less code on the HTML as all the styling is in an external document also when the styling is changed all the pages will update. Disadvantages of external CSS is that it will be the always be a less priority over the other two styling ways.

Advantages of Internal CSS is that all the text between the style tags will be changed. Internal CSS code can also be copied so that the style throughout stays consistent. Disadvantage of Internal CSS is that if you want to change the style you will have to do each one separately. Also that all the styling code will be in with the HTML code.

Advantages of Inline CSS is that it will always take a precedence over the other two styling options. It will also only change the style of the text that is between the tags meaning if you only wan tat line to change it will be the only one to. Disadvantages of Inline CSS is that if you want to change the styling you have to change it on each page individually. Also that all the HTML code for the page will also be on the same on as the styling.

When creating a website it is better that you use external CSS as this will mean that the style of each of your pages will be the same as it’s been externally linked. This makes it consistent through out as the external sheet should only be linked into the web page meaning the style will still be the same.

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